magical background image with flowers runes and elements
neatly dressed wizard with pencil pens and calculator
Illustrated Fictionary of Terms Abused
wizard with long fingernails thinks 'Firstly' creates 'The Beginning' with tiny lightning bolts
NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! becomes the latest Wizard
fancy folk astounded by text appearing on a crystal ball
two cups connected with string, they straighten 'CONTACT'
sickle becomes hammer
a book with a face becomes a wizard's hand giving a thumbs up
flying owl tapering to a speech bubble becomes a narwhal flying over the ocean, riden by a wizard

Title: Accounting Wizard. Captions (Left then Right): *The writing utensils that he holsters in his pocket protector are variable and reflect both the likely tasks of the day and his mood. If you ever see him with 3 permanent markers- watch out! *While the infractions involved are minor, little of what the Accounting Wizard wears is to spec with the company dress code (and common dress sense should prevent most of it being worn... especially in combination). This is allowed for 1 of 2 reasons- either: 1. He is so talented and versed that only he can do the high math that makes the company appear as anything other than a mass- murdering conglomerate located simultaneously in India, Texas, and the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that has been in the red since the mid-80s and specializes not in nothing in particular- but actually nothing. Or: 2. He knows where the bodies are buried, and he is also the only one who knows which numbers to shift to maintain the company's image as a prosperous made-in-the-USA toy company. Facts: *Favorite Wrestler= The # Cruncher. *Life's Ambition= To make cents of it all. *Modus Operandi= An old-fashioned fellow at heart, when faced with a truly difficult problem he doesn't reach for a calculator- but an abacus. *Favorite Band= Rubber. *Secret Shame= Only knows the the first 18 digits of Pi, makes up as many as necessary when reciting it to intimidate the mathematically illiterate. *Credit Card Color= Orange. All high-level accountants have this. Banks know it means: 'Warning: this person understands that money is an illusion.'

wizard house of many styles marble stonework vines shingles runes pillars shutters blinds curtains terrace steps plank siding
glass window
window with venetian blinds
magic door creaks open
ornate glass window
a wizard lurks behind a triangular wrought iron and glass window
mini wine wizard
mini rap wizard
mini sweat wizard
mini hipster wizard
mini carnie wizard
mini barter wizard
mini jumpsuit wizard
mini record wizard
mini red wizard
mini war wizard
mini tinfoil hat wizard
mini fabulous wizard
mini paper wizard
mini wood wizard
mini cult leader wizard
mini brown apron wizard
mini old wizard
mini ice cream wizard
mini wizard dude
mini money wizard