magical background image with flowers runes and elements
wizard with two fanny packs (contents displayed) examines a magic lamp light
Illustrated Fictionary of Terms Abused
wizard with long fingernails thinks 'Firstly' creates 'The Beginning' with tiny lightning bolts
NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! becomes the latest Wizard
fancy folk astounded by text appearing on a crystal ball
two cups connected with string, they straighten 'CONTACT'
sickle becomes hammer
a book with a face becomes a wizard's hand giving a thumbs up
flying owl tapering to a speech bubble becomes a narwhal flying over the ocean, riden by a wizard

Title: Yard Sale Wizard. Captions (Left then Down, Right then Down): *Deep forehead creases from years of looking at things skeptically until the seller lowers the price. *Front "Business" fanny pack contents: -Change, which he will be paying with exclusively; -Every conceivable kind of battery; -Solar calculator to frown at as if paying $0.50 for an action figure might mean being late on his mortgage; -Jeweler's loupe; -Measuring tape; -Collapsible bag in case of motherlode; -Map to today's sales/conquests for some reason drawn in Tolkienesque style (driving directions on back); -Detailed list of everything he is looking for including measurements and footnotes. *Rear "Personal" fanny pack contents: -1972 Folkskart Beetle with opening door- purchased at his first yard sale at the age of 8; -Pre-owned chapstick- purchased for $0.10 two years ago; -Name: Rodulfo. Occupation: Used Car Salesman. Hobbies: Hiding like a scamp, eating jam; -Various condiments, horded; -Emergency chocolate; -Wig to boost confidence during pre-sale motivational self-talk; -Aging Polaroid family portrait-purchased for $1.05; -Lock of hair, $0.08, smells faintly of strawberries, summer, and an innocence not lost- but forgotten. Facts: *Familiar: Hedgehog Chia Pet. *Favorite Movie: Goodwill Hunting. *Greatest Fear: Somehow missing a copy of Dr. Jumboman #2 by not arriving at the right sale at the right time, or not going through the right stack- or what if they'll only take Deutschmarks? *Sworn Enemy: Anyone or anything that gets between him and a bargain- especially other Yard Sale Wizards. *Favorite Historical Wizard: Benjamin Franklin; "A Penny saved is a penny earned." *Favorite Book: The kind that comes in a large box for $1.00.

wizard house of many styles marble stonework vines shingles runes pillars shutters blinds curtains terrace steps plank siding
glass window
window with venetian blinds
magic door creaks open
ornate glass window
a wizard lurks behind a triangular wrought iron and glass window
mini wine wizard
mini rap wizard
mini sweat wizard
mini hipster wizard
mini carnie wizard
mini barter wizard
creative commons rune circle