magical background image with flowers runes and elements
billowy cult wizard
Illustrated Fictionary of Terms Abused
wizard with long fingernails thinks 'Firstly' creates 'The Beginning' with tiny lightning bolts
NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! becomes the latest Wizard
fancy folk astounded by text appearing on a crystal ball
two cups connected with string, they straighten 'CONTACT'
sickle becomes hammer
a book with a face becomes a wizard's hand giving a thumbs up
flying owl tapering to a speech bubble becomes a narwhal flying over the ocean, riden by a wizard

Title: Aspiring Cult Leader Wizard. Speech Bubble: Have you heard the good word of me? Captions (Top to Bottom): *Perhaps a holy man. Indisputably a holey man. *Always hoping that his first convert will be a stylist. * His posture is mockingly reminiscent of the straitjacketed lunatic most treat him like. *Cult Leader Motto: If your clothes they don't billow, follow you they not will-o. Facts: *Favorite Food: Communion Wafers coated with Ecstacy. *Favorite Musical Genre: Screaming. (Some people call it Death Metal.) *Favorite Band: UuUuU-uuU. (Note that the name of this band has only ever been properly pronounced by members of a rare breed of goat.) *Chosen Name: Uuzneon the Destroyer. *Given Name: Todd. (And ye shall have no other Todd before he.) *Patron Deity: Self. *Favorite Drink: Punch. *Life's Ambition: Get married (to a few dozen wives), have a few (hundred) children, move to a nice compound with a (red) picket fence (that those that defy him will be impaled upon).

wizard house of many styles marble stonework vines shingles runes pillars shutters blinds curtains terrace steps plank siding
glass window
window with venetian blinds
magic door creaks open
ornate glass window
a wizard lurks behind a triangular wrought iron and glass window
mini wine wizard
mini rap wizard
mini sweat wizard
mini hipster wizard
mini carnie wizard
mini barter wizard
mini jumpsuit wizard
mini record wizard
mini red wizard
mini war wizard
mini tinfoil hat wizard
mini fabulous wizard
mini paper wizard
mini wood wizard
mini cult leader wizard