magical background image with flowers runes and elements
pirate wizard with jumpsuit exotic bird and a diagram of pocket contents
Illustrated Fictionary of Terms Abused
wizard with long fingernails thinks 'Firstly' creates 'The Beginning' with tiny lightning bolts
NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! becomes the latest Wizard
fancy folk astounded by text appearing on a crystal ball
two cups connected with string, they straighten 'CONTACT'
sickle becomes hammer
a book with a face becomes a wizard's hand giving a thumbs up
flying owl tapering to a speech bubble becomes a narwhal flying over the ocean, riden by a wizard

Title: Eyepatch Wizard. Speech Bubble: Show me to yer organic bird seed and I won't show ya' the tip a my blade! Hah ha hah ha ha! Captions (Top to Bottom): *Alternate eyepatch/jumpsuit colors (always matching): White- for formal occasions (hides the bird poop stains); Purple- color of royalty (motivational speeches, spa visits); Peach-color of peaches (baby showers, bot-mitzvahs); Rocket Ships- pattern of awesome (for snoozin' n' canoodlin'); Red, White, and Blue- kept in a dry cleaning bag all year until the 'Fourth of July Smackdown Open Wrestling Challenge'; Butter- not a color, he just likes to coat himself in butter sometimes. But hey- who doesn't? #summerfun #summerlovin #happenedsofast #ididntgetagoodlookofficer *Something about his demeanor makes the rubber rain boots that he wears year-round seem reasonable. Something else about his demeanor has caused no one to ever ask about their purpose. Facts: *Occupation: Unknown. He might be a pirate, a current or former cult leader or member- or a mechanic with flair! *Favorite Charity: Hugs or Else. *Credit Card Color: Tooth Gold. *Latin Name: Zippernious Yarrman. Contents of Pockets Imagened vs. Actual from Top to Bottom: *Flintlock pistol, circa 1642 vs. Swimsuit Yarrbie, circa 1989 *Fingers vs. Fingers *Spare Hook vs. Skybird Arrlines 'Thank you for not being a terrorist' award *Pistol Shot & Tinder vs. 'Lucky' Teeth & Wig *Wallet vs. Book of enemies (most names Xed out)

wizard house of many styles marble stonework vines shingles runes pillars shutters blinds curtains terrace steps plank siding
glass window
window with venetian blinds
magic door creaks open
ornate glass window
a wizard lurks behind a triangular wrought iron and glass window
mini wine wizard
mini rap wizard
mini sweat wizard
mini hipster wizard
mini carnie wizard
mini barter wizard
mini jumpsuit wizard
creative commons rune circle